Letter of Recommendation

May 26, 2011

To Whom It May Concern,


I am delighted to recommend Beth Ann Bryant-Richards for a position teaching college writing and literature. She is one of our best faculty in DePaul’s writing program, and we are very sorry that she has reached the limit of our ability to offer her a full-time contract. I have observed her teaching several times and read her student evaluations every quarter. She has a remarkable ability to engage students and to create course designs that carefully build critical reading and writing skills while allowing for a wide range of student choices and learning styles. She has been as successful in teaching business writing as first year writing.


Her students typically work in a circle and she knows every one of them well. Her assignments include challenging but accessible readings as well as encouragement to use the city as a research source. Her classes deftly change pace with thoughtful use of text, visual, and audio sources.


In addition to her superior ability in the classroom, she is a very engaged colleague, participating on departmental committees and making very good use of all faculty development opportunities. Currently she is working on our e-portfolio initiative. On a personal basis, she is responsible, supportive, positive and unfailingly professional.


I have been a writing program administrator for over twenty years, and Beth Ann ranks among the very best people I’ve worked with. I hope you will give her your strongest consideration.



Eileen B. Seifert

Associate Director of First Year Writing

Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse

DePaul University

773 325-1789


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