K12 Teaching - Resume

Wilmington, North Carolina



Elizabeth Ann Bryant-Richards




Illinois Initial Special Education Certificate (Type 10), March 2013

Illinois Initial Elementary Education Certificate (Type 03), March 2013

Endorsements in History and Language Arts March 2013



DePaul University, Chicago IL Cumulative G.P.A. for all coursework: 3.9/4.0

●        School of Education:

          Master of Education, Dual Certification

          (Special Education and Elementary Education), December 2012

●        College of Liberal Arts & Sciences:

          Master of Arts in Writing with Distinction, June 1998

          Bachelor of Arts in History, June 1992 (Phi Alpha Theta)



Adjunct Instructor DePaul University Department of Writing, Rhetoric, & Discourse 1998-present

●        Full-time non-tenure position (2004-2011); part-time adjunct (1998-2013)

●        Teach first year college writing, developmental writing, business writing, and special freshman seminar course in racially and           ethnically diverse classes

●        Write course materials, syllabi, assessments, case studies, lectures, and assignments

●        Develop classroom management style; create online modules; designed units in research writing, genre studies, and           professional business writing

●        Diagnose and address areas of strength and challenge for all student levels: advanced, intermediate, developing, and English           language learners

●        Receive excellent teaching evaluations yet providing constructive feedback on student writing

Student Teacher Special Education Department

Lane Tech College Prep, Chicago, IL Autumn 2012

●        Special Education Inclusion teacher in Honors Biology, Environmental Science, AP US History, and Survey of Literature; resource
          teacher for students with IEPs in grades 9-12

●        Summarized novel chapter-by-chapter for use in freshman level English class for students with reading difficulties

●        Conducted Classroom and Environmental Screening for 3 year reevaluation

●        Assisted with writing and completing three year reevaluation forms and documentation using CPS’s eIEP platform

●        Wrote lesson plans to accommodate student needs and modify curriculum as needed

●        Collaborated with general education teachers to implement strategies for student success

Student Teacher Fourth Grade General Education Classroom

West School, Glencoe, IL Spring 2012

●        Planned and taught Social Studies, Math, Literacy, Science, and Writing

●        Implemented creative teaching practices emphasizing inclusion and differentiation for accelerated students while maintaining
         appropriate classroom management

Writing Center Tutor/Graduate Assistant

Writing Across the Curriculum Coordinator

DePaul University Writing Center

Chicago, IL 1996-1998

●        Tutored college level and graduate students in all aspects of composition

●        Used best practices to guide students to become better writers

●        Establish a rapport with students and faculty to promote the Writing Center



Freelance Writer/Editor K-12 Social Science, Science, History, and Language 2000-present

●        Student and teacher editions, ancillaries, test preparation materials and study guides

●        Correlation with state standards for Illinois, Indiana, California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania

●        Meet tight deadlines with attention to detail for clients, which include Glencoe, Houghton Mifflin, Harcourt, Symmetry, Navta, Precision Learning, Quarasan, and Prentice Hall



Composition Pedagogy, Transition Issues, Special Education Inclusion, RTI, Applied Behavior Analysis, Functional Behavioral Assessment, DIBELS, AIMS, MAZE, PECS, Research-based Best Practices



Mac and PC proficient; SmartBoard, eIEP, Impact, Blackboard, Edline, Desire2Learn, Digication; MSWord, MSPowerPoint, MSExcel, GoogleDocs, Outlook; Garage Band, iMovie; PeopleSoft, extensive knowledge of online library database resources



Whitney Young Magnet High, Sub-committee for Parent/Community Involvement 2010-present

Edison Regional Gifted Center Community Rep 2007-2009


Download Beth Ann Bryant-Richards's Resume in pdf

Download Beth Ann Bryant-Richards's Unofficial Transcripts in pdf