Lesson Plan - Fine Arts

Looking at Lines
Beth Ann Bryant-Richards
Grade Levels: 3-12
This lesson will help develop
and promote an awareness of a nontraditional art process.
This lesson will show students a process for making a picture with glue and
colored chalk. They can landscape, a still life, a self-portrait or anything
else. By giving students the process, they can exercise autonomy with the
outcome. Students love process. A process is a unique way of producing a visual
image that is not just drawing or painting directly on paper. This project
involves drawing an image first using a pencil and using school glue, then
using colored chalk to apply color. The resulting compositions form interesting
textures and uses of color and contrast.
black or dark construction paper
school glue
colored chalk
-Sketch an image on the black paper using an ordinary
-Trace over the pencil lines with school glue using a
squeeze bottle
It is better to pull the gluespray fixative bottle toward
you than to push it away from you.
-Put the image in a safe place to dry(usually for 24 hours).-After
the glue dries, fill in the areas formed by the glue lines with colored chalk.
Try to use the chalk so that it shows up in high contrast.
-Spray the finished picture so that it does not smudge.
List of Content Area Overlaps: (check all that apply)
Science (draw an animal or a cell)
Language Arts (draw an image to go with a story or poem)
Vocabulary (line, color, contrast)
Writing (draw an image to go with a story or poem you
have written)
Social Studies (draw a place you are studying about)
Music (draw an instrument)
Individual, Class, Community Connections:
Encourage students to make a landscape of the classroom,
their neighborhood park, or a place in the city that they like to go.
The glue lines of each project should stand up above the
surface of the paper so that the colors do not completely fill in the areas
that they define. Colors should be bright and varied. Determine if the students
attempted to do more than the minimum requirements.