Reading Annotation Assignment




Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse

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Purpose of the assignment: Annotating is an important skill to employ if you want to

read critically. Successful critical readers read with a pencil in their hand, making notes

in the text as they read. Instead of reading passively, they create an active relationship

with what they are reading by "talking back" to the text in its margins. The concept of

discourse means that readers, writers, thinkers, speakers, and audiences engage in a

dialogue to make meaning, to communicate, to argue, and to persuade. Reading is a

foundation of life-long learning and a passionate endeavor for many. I designed this

assignment to encourage engaged reading throughout the quarter.



Assignment: Use the three-step strategy we discussed in class. Print out the reading and

engage the author. I recommend using a dark pen for this assignment, even though when

you annotate most reading, you will do so in pencil or with highlighter. On the reading




-jot a note about the author.

-notate the thesis and main points of the reading.

-underline key terms and unfamiliar words (and look them up!).

-underline important ideas and memorable images.

-write questions or comments in the margin.

-jot any notes about personal experiences related to the reading.

-mark confusing or unclear passages or parts that warrant rereading.

-make a note of any sources used.



Due: hard copy due; see current syllabus for due dates



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