English 103 - Class Visit
Classroom Visitation Report
Instructor: Beth Ann Bryant-Richards |
Course number and
title: |
English 103 |
Observer: Sarah Hallenbeck |
Date of observation
11/2/17 |
1. Structure. Describe the topic, goals, and format of the class.
class was devoted to developing familiarity with MLA style, practicing close
reading and annotation, and engaging in a discussion of a text. Students
worked individually, in small groups, and in a full-class discussion during
class, with Beth Ann circulating through the room, moderating discussion, and
lecturing briefly as needed. |
2. Planning. Comment on the instructor’s planning, preparation, and course materials. Consider how the class meeting fits into the overall design of the course, based on the syllabus.
class was perfectly planned and paced, and Beth Ann demonstrated an excellent
blend of structure and responsiveness to the students in her class. The class
was working on their research projects, and the MLA review fit into their
efforts to incorporate their sources into their arguments. The reading—about
suicide--functioned as a sort of break from the usual flow of the course,
intended as a response to the stress students were feeling as the semester
neared an end. It elicited a really good discussion
that served that goal. |
3. Delivery. Comment on the quality of instruction. Consider clarity, coherence, appropriateness, use of instructional resources, and instructor’s knowledge of the subject matter.
Ann was effortless in her interactions with students: clear but also honest
and personable. Her students clearly regard her as an expert and had an easy
time staying engaged and asking her good questions during the MLA activity. |
4. Response. Describe the level and effectiveness of interactions with students. Consider methods used to involve students in learning.
in this class appear to have formed a community in which members feel
comfortable not only discussing texts, but tackling
difficult and even personal topics related to those texts. They stay on task
in small groups, and nearly every person contributed to the full-class
discussion. Beth Ann uses names, encourages students to speak to each other
as well as to her, and asks good questions to keep students engaged. |
5. Summary. Provide general comments about this instructor’s approach to teaching. Comment on strengths or areas in need of improvement.
was a impressive class! I’m sorry I walked in late,
but I’m glad I had the opportunity to see this group in action. Beth Ann is
clearly a talented and skilled teacher, with a good sense both of first-year
students and of the subject matter of the course. |